Furnace Filters

Change Your Furnace Filters

Furnace filters are very important. Changing them regularly will help reduce your energy bills. How  can furnace filters save you money? Dirty furnace filters will restrict air flow. This means your furnace will have to work harder to heat or cool your home. As the furnace filter becomes clogged with dust, it becomes less effective and the excess will pass through and start to accumulate on the burners and the A-coil (the A-coil is what the air passes through to cool and is in the shape of an A). The excessive dust will also clog the Furnace Blower Motor. The dust that passes through the furnace filter will also start to line the walls of your duct work and will cause restricted air flow. This will cause the furnace to work harder and require maintenance. This is why keeping your furnace filters clean is important.

What Type of Furnace Filter?

Should you use standard filters or filters that collect more dust and pollen? That depends on your system. If you have an older system you may want to stick with standard filters. The newer filters that collect more dust and pollen are going to restrict the air flow on an older system. No matter which ones you use they need to be changed often. Standard ones will stop collecting dust when they become dirty, and the more expensive ones that filter more dust and pollen will become clogged much sooner because they let less dust get through. Either way, change them often! Especially if you have dust problems. Standard filters are very cheap. If you have dusty conditions I recommend changing them every three months. There are more expensive filters that you can buy. They will eliminate  dust and pollen. If you have a newer system they tend to have higher air flow and the filters that collect more will not affect them until they become clogged.

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Joe Witkowski

Joe Witkowski

Hello there, I'm a professional carpenter based in Northwest Indiana and I've been in the field for over 40 years now. Over the course of my career, I've gained a wealth of knowledge and expertise in carpentry that has helped me develop numerous tips and tricks. I've created this website and my YouTube channel to share those valuable insights with you, so that you too can have an easier time with your own DIY projects. If you ever have any questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to send me an email!

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